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Babcock experienced another  defining moment as over 200 persons responded to the call for baptisms and a new life in Christ  at end of the Babcock University 2024 Week of Prayer. 

Anchored by the University’s Division of Spiritual Life, the programme themed, I Will Go: It is Almost Time, recorded a total of 213 baptisms in four separate sessions to seal the decisions.

The programme proffered answers to spiritual, social and global  challenges as well as created opportunity for self-evaluation in line with the global Adventist Church evangelistic project, I Will Go

Consequently, at the three centres across the two campuses, three pastors bonded with more than 11,000 students, staff and faculty  from February 10 – 17, as they shared the word and called for making right life choices in a turbulent world.

“A battle of the mind is going on,” said Pastor (Dr.) Andrew Harewood. “Even the demons know that a day of reckoning is coming. Your direction is more important than your speed.”

 He said as soldiers of Christ, we need to represent God’s Kingdom in everything and to know that the weapons of our warfare were not carnal. 

“As soldiers, we need to live by the four basic military ethos: "Mission first, never accept defeat, never quit, and never leave a fallen comrade,” he said. “The journey may be rough but the destination has been secured.” 

The messages also covered experiences of some  biblical patriarchs and matriarchs — Esther, Joseph, Peter, Stephen and Paul amongst others

At the Amphitheatre and Iperu campus, Pastor Oelta Simankane and Pastor Smart Maduagu from Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division and East  Nigeria Union Conference respectively also shared the gospel with enthusiastic congregations.

“God is still in the business of changing lives. He who has the son, has life. There’s nothing to fear when we surrender to Jesus for He is the Master of life in every situation” said Pastor Maduagu. “

For the Youth Director of the SID, Pastor Simankane, it was a “beautiful experience”

“If Joseph had not gone through the experience in the prison, he would probably not have been ready for the  discipline necessary for where God was taking him. Don’t give up when life gets tough.”